....the equestrian, hiking and trail running communities of OC:
We share common goals with your groups, notably positive trail coexistence and protection and expansion of trail access for everyone.
Recently a petition was circulated by a mountain biker requesting conversion of certain trails to allow use by his community. OCMTBA would propose to view this individual's effort as a catalyst for action from which everyone would benefit.
We can all agree the root issue is a significant increase in population with an awesome growth in outdoor trail use. Unfortunately, this trend has not been met with any material change in available trail mileage in our beloved County.
To that end, we would propose we all unify in pursuit of several key actions:
1) Craig Park Pump Track. This plan for a bike specific area that has now been funded and needs one more approval to initiate. A pump track in OC would relieve pressure on other trails and on certain forms of non-approved trail builds. https://www.ocparks.com/about-us/projects/craig-park-bike-facility
2) Orange County Parks expansion plans. OCP has declared plans to open additional spaces, notably Mountain, East Orange and additional Irvine Park. We all benefit from asking for timeline and trail use declarations on this incrementally available outdoor space.
3) Orange County Trails Pilot deployment. In late 2021 OCP studied dedicated use and direction on certain trails in some of their parks. The response was positive and the concept echoes with all of our group's interests in having their own dedicated trails.
(presently there are no MTB specific trails in all of Orange County Parks)
At Orange County Mountain Bike Association, we believe in the strength of unification. Let’s band together to accomplish what we’re all here for – to conserve our beautiful outdoors spaces for the equal and harmonious enjoyment of one and all!