Today marked an awesome first for Orange County, Sprockids came to O'Neill Park. A sold out capacity of young ones enjoyed amazing fall weather as they become indoctrinated into our shared passion - MTB!

Thanks to the efforts of our local #TrailHero Donny Ambrose, we were able to be a small part of supporting an awesome big movement - bringing this fantastic youth oriented program to our own region.

150+ riders showed up today, they were all run through safety checks and given the "ABCs" of a safe ride before being set up into age groups to run a well planned set of stations built to help them develop skills along with their love for all things two wheeled!

The smiles were abundant, volunteers feeling the joy of helping a kid become a better rider. Kids figuring out how to take that next step forward in their abilities on the bike. And everyone just reveling in the energy of our community.

Donny said it, "this is the future of our sport", and he couldn't be more spot on. Thanks for sharing, building, and inspiring - that's what it's all about!